year 1


Welcome to Year One. 

Seacole Class Teacher: Miss Hashi

Earhart Class Teacher: Miss Moreno (Year Lead)

Timings for school day

Drop off is from 8.40am and pick up time is 3:15pm. Please ensure you drop and collect your child on time.

Break time: 10:45am – 11:00am

Lunch time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Curriculum Overview

Click here to view our Year 1 Curriculum

Home Learning

PE Days

Useful links

Homework linked to the phonics learning that children have done throughout the week will be given to each child weekly, on a Friday. An electronic copy will also be uploaded onto your child’s class DOJO page. In addition to this, we have signed up to Reading Eggs and Mathletics; two valuable resources which will support your child at home. Login details for both resources can be found at the front of your child’s reading record.

Children must be reading daily and discussing what they have read with an adult at home. Where possible, please write a short comment about how your child has got on with their reading in their reading record. It is important for staff to see that your child has read at home so we can change their books accordingly. Therefore, if you are unable to write a comment, a signature will show us that your child has read their book. Your child must bring in their reading books and reading records daily.

PE Days Monday and Friday for both classes (Earhart & Seacole)

Reading MAT
